Thrive Content Builder is my all time favorite WordPress Tool. It makes life a million times easier. As Andi says, she wouldn't be a blogger if it didn't exist.
However, there are times when it is annoying. Today I am going to show how to resolve what I find to be one of those annoying TCB issues. Below you will see how to remove that extra bit of white space that sometimes shows up at the bottom of a blog post or page.
Check out the extra white space in the image below.

To get rid of it, hover your mouse over the white space until you see a green box show up, like in the image below.

Once you see that green box, just click on the red X. The box will disappear. Do this until all of your white space has closed up. For further instruction check out the video below.
So it really is easy to clean up your content with Thrive Content Builder, you just have to know where to click. If you would like more quick Thrive Content Builder tutorials, go here.