April 12

How To Quickly Connect Thrive Leads To MailChimp


One of the first questions that is asked about Thrive Leads is do they support MailChimp. The answer is yes they do and they make connecting it quite simple. Here you will learn how to connect Thrive Leads to MailChimp

Note: Thrive Leads supports most email marketing softwares. The process for connecting them is exactly the same as in in this tutorial.

Thrive Leads has an API connections feature. Simply put, this means that it is now quick and easy to connect your email software with your opt-in plugin. The advantage of an API connection is that you no longer need to copy and paste long pieces of code each time you want to create an email opt-in on your blog.

I hope that this 8 step process helps you on your blogging journey.

Steps to connect Thrive Leads to MailChimp

Step 1: Log Into WordPress
Step 2: Scroll Down and Click on Thrive Dash Board
Step 3: Click on Mange API Connections
Step 4: Click on Add a new connection
Step 5: Select Mailchimp (in the dropdown)
Step 6: Enter in API Key
Step 7: Click on Connect

How To Find MailChimp API Key

A Few Tips On Email List Building

From: Screw the Nine to Five

[EP 57] Amy Porterfield Answers: What is the Best Way to Grow My Email List?

So how can you start to build a list full of raving fans that not only love what you and your business are all about, but are also willing to open their wallet and spend one or two *cough* hundred bucks with you?​

From: Video Fruit

In this blog post he gives you 3 scripts that you can use to literally ask people to join your newsletter list. Go ahead and try out all 3, you will be amazed by your opt-in rates.

Buy Thrive Leads

Additional Reading:

In the blog post linked below you will learn how to create a lead magnet, setup Thrive Leads and every step of the process. 


MailChimp tutorial, Thrive Leads MailChimp API

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